With the right Team

We Can Build Anything
connecting construction


rendering of the manybuild mobile app on a users phone

Gives real estate investors and builders the power to connect with hundreds of skilled contractors, access financing, award projects faster, and process payments securely

rendering of the manybuild mobile app on a users phone
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Ikon Construction company logo displayed on the manybuild page as a partnerICOR logo displayed on the ManyBuild website as a partner
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ManyBuild Marketplace


The Construction Marketplace Built by Contractors and Powered by Private Lender Financing

Create Projects

Anybody can become a project creator.
You just have to know what you are looking for, what needs to get done, and how much the work is valued at.
Snap a photo, select your trades, describe the scope of work and set your price for the job

a rendering of the manybuild mobile app in-use on an iphone
a rendering of the manybuild mobile app in-use on an iphone

Connect with Contractors

Connect with contractor profiles and find the perfect match for your project.
Review past projects,  tools and their equipment so you can see that they can get the job done. Confirm certificates, licenses, and construction knowledge so you know they are the right person for the job

Access Funding Process Payments Faster

Tired of playing the waiting game with traditional lenders? Get an offer to finance your project within 24 hours and close as soon as you clear title!

a rendering of the manybuild mobile app in-use on an iphone

Schedule an in-person meeting to discuss your project and meet our founder.

Create Projects
Quickly snap photos of the work that needs to be done, create rooms, add dimensions and automatically organize work by trades. New construction? Simply upload project files and ManyBuild does the rest.
Bid Faster
ManyBuild intelligently alerts, tracks and communicates when new projects are created.
Manage Better
Contracts, estimates, invoices and payments are processed for you.
Growing Features
Project financing through hard money lenders, create detailed scope of works and order materials.